Second Weekly Reflection!

 I’m just going to say that I thought the first week of my senior project was challenging, but I was definitely not prepared for this week. I cried so many times this week. I’m a frustration crier so as soon as I get frustrated the waterworks start, and there was an inhumane amount of frustration this week. From grommets that were literally falling out of my corset, to trying not to lose my sanity while cutting paper for seven hours straight, the frustration throughout this week was more than I was actually prepared for. The anger of at least one thing going wrong every day of the week compounded my frustration. I took on a huge project, but I have high expectations for myself, and coming to terms with the fact that I might not be able to finish the dress before the end of this project is devastating to me. This past week took me four days to finish the skirt, much longer than I had originally wanted it to take, and because of that, I may be unable to complete the bodice. I am glad that I was at least able to start the bodice on Saturday, and even though things are looking bleak in the actually finishing things department, I am proud of what I’ve done. I’ve never sewn this much before, and I’ve never done beading or embroidery either. Learning to do those things with no prior knowledge and while refusing to look up any Youtube tutorials made it more difficult but at the same time more satisfying when some of the beading came out almost how I wanted it to. I mean I’m not expecting perfection on my first try here! I’ve been thinking about college a lot in the past week actually, and it’s making me glad to have chosen a project on campus. I mean, I want to get outa here as soon as possible, but this is also high school, something I’ll never experience again. Also, this project heavily correlates with my intended major in college. I want to become an Art History major with a focus in fashion and textile history. It’s why I’m also doing research into nineteenth-century fashion at the same time as sewing a gown. Anyhow, this past week has been really exhausting, being angry makes me tired. With broken needles, incorrect color blocking, and being so tired I somehow didn’t realize I wore the same shirt two days in a row, this week has been a roller coaster.

Total Hours this week: 46.5

Total Hours: 92


  1. Joan Dickinson SaundersMay 22, 2023 at 11:10 AM

    Reminder: You can work on this all the way to Wednesday till 3 pm if needed. YOU Can Finish it! I know it!

  2. I hear you! You're amazingly resilient and I can't wait to see what you have accomplished!! šŸ‘—šŸ‘—

  3. Your self reflection is very open and astute. You are doing an amazing job and I can't wait to see the dress in person šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–

    1. Joan Dickinson SaundersMay 23, 2023 at 6:07 AM

      Her work is like nothing I have ever encountered in a young artist--fabric is such a tough medium but often folks who don't work in it can never quite realize the delicacy. Lillian has come so far in so many parts of her skills and life and learning! I am beyond proud-and I will miss her so very very much.


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